7 research outputs found


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    In times of crises, some cultural institutions in Croatia have experienced difficulties attracting an audience, which drove them to try out creative and unconventional forms of promotion. Promotion is one of the most popular, widespread and influential parts of marketing. Promotion is also of major importance for a cultural institution because of its ability to attract a large number of visitors. Setting out from this starting point, this paper focused on conventional and unconventional forms of promotion in museums as a part of the creative industries. Creative industries are gaining importance nowadays, and museums as a part of the visual arts sector of the creative industries are gaining popularity thanks to the promotion efforts. With this in mind, a survey was carried out among the visitors of the Museum of Fine Arts in Osijek during Julije Knifer\u27s retrospective exhibition “Uncompromising” in March and April 2015. Participants were given a questionnaire consisting of closed-ended questions about conventional and unconventional forms of promotion and their impact on visitors.The authors participated in the organization of promotional activities for the exhibition and employed certain conventional and unconventional forms of promotion to get an idea of their impact on museum attendance (or lack thereof). The results demonstrated that the promotional activities had a positive impact on museum attendance, and unconventional forms of promotion had a greater impact than the conventional ones.</p

    Optimization Methods in Modern Transportation Systems

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    One of the greatest challenges in the public transportation network is the optimization of the passengers waiting time, where it is necessary to find a compromise between the satisfaction of the passengers and the requirements of the transport companies. This paper presents a detailed review of the available literature dealing with the problem of passenger transport in order to optimize the passenger waiting time at the station and to meet the requirements of companies (maximize profits or minimize cost). After a detailed discussion, the paper clarifies the most important objectives in solving a timetabling problem: the requirements and satisfaction of passengers, passenger waiting time and capacity of vehicles. At the end, the appropriate algorithms for solving the set of optimization models are presented

    Timetable development in the public transportation network using multiobjective optimization in order to minimize waiting time and maximize vehicle efficiency

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    Problem prijevoza putnika u mreži javnog prijevoza kompleksan je problem. Jedan od segmenata problema prijevoza putnika je i odreivanje voznog reda za vozila u mreži javnog prijevoza putnika. Za odreivanje najboljeg voznog reda nužno je voditi racuna o zahtjevima i zadovoljstvu putnika, ali i o zahtjevima prijevoznickog poduzeca. Posljednjih godina rješavaju se problemi prijevoza putnika s ciljem da se zadovolje zahtjevi putnika i zahtjevi prijevoznickog poduzeca. U ovoj disertaciji opisana je višekriterijska optimizacija prijevoza putnika koja uzima u obzir vrijeme cekanja putnika na stanici i iskoristivost vozila. Ovo je istraživanje usmjereno ka konkretnom rješenju problema voznog reda i rasporeivanja vozila na temelju konkretnog testnog primjera iz referentne literature. Osim pregleda vec postojecih metoda detaljno je opisan novorazvijeni optimizacijski model za rješavanje problema vremenskog rasporeivanja vozila zasnovanog na višekriterijskoj optimizaciji uz odgovarajuci postupak stvaranja voznog reda i vremenskog rasporeivanja vozila u mreži javnog prijevoza. Postupci stvaranja voznog reda i vremenskog rasporeivanja vozila u mreži javnog prijevoza putnika temelje se na heuristickoj metodi optimizacijom roja cestica. Višekriterijska optimizacija ovisno o parametrima za rješenje daje skup optimalnih rješenja, Pareto fronte, iz kojih je nužno odabrati jedno preferirano optimalno rješenje. Kako zbog opsega skupa optimalnih rješenja nije moguce u razumnom vremenu odabrati preferirano optimalno rješenje, predložena je ucinkovitija metoda za odreivanje preferiranog optimalnog rješenja. Dobiveno preferirano optimalno rješenje usporeeno je s dodatnim dvjema metodama koje odgovaraju zadanom problemu i zakljuceno je da je predložena metoda dovoljno dobra za odreivanje preferiranog optimalnog rješenja. U svrhu evaluacije rješenja predložena je metoda koja se temelji na kvalitativnoj analizi rješenja. Testiranjem predloženih metoda pokazane su prednosti višekriterijske optimizacije u odnosu na postojece metode po pitanju odabiranja kriterijskih funkcija, definiranih ogranicenja i izvoenja u realnom vremenu što je iznimno važno zbog dinamike cijelog sustava prijevoza putnika. U buducem istraživanju analizirat ce se rješenja modela korištenjem podataka iz stvarne mreže prijevoza putnika. Uvest ce se varijabla vremena potrebna za ulazak i za izlazak iz vozila. Takoer, da bi se kreirao kompleksniji vozni red, potrebno je uzeti u obzir stanicu 91 92 presjedanja i uskladiti vozne redove više linija. Postojeci algoritam za rješavanje višekriterijske optimizacije potrebno je poboljšati u korist stabilnosti algoritma i prilagoditi parametre predloženog algoritma. Temeljem prikazanih rezultata, višekriterijski model koji se rješava MOPSO algoritmom za izracunavanje optimalnog voznog reda i rasporeivanja vozila, uz predloženu metodu za odreivanje preferiranog optimalnog rješenja iz skupa optimalnih rješenja, potvruje prednost u odnosu na postojece modele u znanstvenoj literaturi i prikladan je za znanstvenike i strucnjake iz podrucja prijevoza putnika.The problem of passengers transportation in a public transportation network is a complex problem. One of the segments of the problem of passengers transportation is determining the timetable for vehicles in a public transportation network. For determining the best timetable, it is unavoidable to consider the requirements and satisfaction of passengers as well as requirements of transportation companies. In recent years, the PT problem has been solved in the literature with different perspectives on the passenger requirements and transportation companies’ requirements. In this PhD dissertation, a model of the PT timetabling problem, which takes into consideration the passenger waiting time (PWT) at the stations and the vehicles occupancy ratio (VOR) is proposed. The solution aims to minimize PWT and maximize VOR. The results of the proposed method are compared to similar results from the existing literature. In addition to the review of the existing methods, the proposed optimization model for solving vehicles scheduling process based on multi-objective optimization is described in detail. An appropriate procedure for creating a timetable and vehicles schedule in public transportation is proposed. Timetabling and vehicle scheduling procedures in PT network are based on a heuristic algorithm. Due to the large search space of the problem, a multi-objective particle swarm optimization (MOPSO) algorithm is used to arrive at the solution of the problem. The solution of the problem is a set of optimal solutions, i.e. Pareto front, from which it is necessary to select one preferred optimal solution. Since the selection of one optimal solution is a time consuming process, a more appropriate method for determining the preferred optimal solution is proposed. The proposed method is compared to other two methods for solving the particular problem and it is concluded that the proposed method is more appropriate. For the purpose of evaluating the obtained solutions, a method based on qualitative analysis is proposed. The proposed multi-objective optimization method shows the advantages over existing methods regarding selection of the objective functions, defined constraints and real-time execution, which is extremely important because of the dynamics of the entire PT. 94 Further research will involve verification of the model using data from a real network scenario. It is also plan to take into consideration boarding and alighting times, transfer stations and scheduling several lines. Furthermore, it is plan to improve the existing multi-criteria optimization algorithm in favor of the stability of the algorithm by adjusting parameters of the proposed algorithm. Based on the presented results, a multi-objective model solved by the proposed algorithm for determining an optimal timetable and vehicle schedule, with the proposed method for determining the preferred optimal solution from the set of optimal solutions, confirms the advantage over existing models in the scientific literature and it is appropriate for scientists and experts in the field of public transportation

    Timetable development in the public transportation network using multiobjective optimization in order to minimize waiting time and maximize vehicle efficiency

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    Problem prijevoza putnika u mreži javnog prijevoza kompleksan je problem. Jedan od segmenata problema prijevoza putnika je i odreivanje voznog reda za vozila u mreži javnog prijevoza putnika. Za odreivanje najboljeg voznog reda nužno je voditi racuna o zahtjevima i zadovoljstvu putnika, ali i o zahtjevima prijevoznickog poduzeca. Posljednjih godina rješavaju se problemi prijevoza putnika s ciljem da se zadovolje zahtjevi putnika i zahtjevi prijevoznickog poduzeca. U ovoj disertaciji opisana je višekriterijska optimizacija prijevoza putnika koja uzima u obzir vrijeme cekanja putnika na stanici i iskoristivost vozila. Ovo je istraživanje usmjereno ka konkretnom rješenju problema voznog reda i rasporeivanja vozila na temelju konkretnog testnog primjera iz referentne literature. Osim pregleda vec postojecih metoda detaljno je opisan novorazvijeni optimizacijski model za rješavanje problema vremenskog rasporeivanja vozila zasnovanog na višekriterijskoj optimizaciji uz odgovarajuci postupak stvaranja voznog reda i vremenskog rasporeivanja vozila u mreži javnog prijevoza. Postupci stvaranja voznog reda i vremenskog rasporeivanja vozila u mreži javnog prijevoza putnika temelje se na heuristickoj metodi optimizacijom roja cestica. Višekriterijska optimizacija ovisno o parametrima za rješenje daje skup optimalnih rješenja, Pareto fronte, iz kojih je nužno odabrati jedno preferirano optimalno rješenje. Kako zbog opsega skupa optimalnih rješenja nije moguce u razumnom vremenu odabrati preferirano optimalno rješenje, predložena je ucinkovitija metoda za odreivanje preferiranog optimalnog rješenja. Dobiveno preferirano optimalno rješenje usporeeno je s dodatnim dvjema metodama koje odgovaraju zadanom problemu i zakljuceno je da je predložena metoda dovoljno dobra za odreivanje preferiranog optimalnog rješenja. U svrhu evaluacije rješenja predložena je metoda koja se temelji na kvalitativnoj analizi rješenja. Testiranjem predloženih metoda pokazane su prednosti višekriterijske optimizacije u odnosu na postojece metode po pitanju odabiranja kriterijskih funkcija, definiranih ogranicenja i izvoenja u realnom vremenu što je iznimno važno zbog dinamike cijelog sustava prijevoza putnika. U buducem istraživanju analizirat ce se rješenja modela korištenjem podataka iz stvarne mreže prijevoza putnika. Uvest ce se varijabla vremena potrebna za ulazak i za izlazak iz vozila. Takoer, da bi se kreirao kompleksniji vozni red, potrebno je uzeti u obzir stanicu 91 92 presjedanja i uskladiti vozne redove više linija. Postojeci algoritam za rješavanje višekriterijske optimizacije potrebno je poboljšati u korist stabilnosti algoritma i prilagoditi parametre predloženog algoritma. Temeljem prikazanih rezultata, višekriterijski model koji se rješava MOPSO algoritmom za izracunavanje optimalnog voznog reda i rasporeivanja vozila, uz predloženu metodu za odreivanje preferiranog optimalnog rješenja iz skupa optimalnih rješenja, potvruje prednost u odnosu na postojece modele u znanstvenoj literaturi i prikladan je za znanstvenike i strucnjake iz podrucja prijevoza putnika.The problem of passengers transportation in a public transportation network is a complex problem. One of the segments of the problem of passengers transportation is determining the timetable for vehicles in a public transportation network. For determining the best timetable, it is unavoidable to consider the requirements and satisfaction of passengers as well as requirements of transportation companies. In recent years, the PT problem has been solved in the literature with different perspectives on the passenger requirements and transportation companies’ requirements. In this PhD dissertation, a model of the PT timetabling problem, which takes into consideration the passenger waiting time (PWT) at the stations and the vehicles occupancy ratio (VOR) is proposed. The solution aims to minimize PWT and maximize VOR. The results of the proposed method are compared to similar results from the existing literature. In addition to the review of the existing methods, the proposed optimization model for solving vehicles scheduling process based on multi-objective optimization is described in detail. An appropriate procedure for creating a timetable and vehicles schedule in public transportation is proposed. Timetabling and vehicle scheduling procedures in PT network are based on a heuristic algorithm. Due to the large search space of the problem, a multi-objective particle swarm optimization (MOPSO) algorithm is used to arrive at the solution of the problem. The solution of the problem is a set of optimal solutions, i.e. Pareto front, from which it is necessary to select one preferred optimal solution. Since the selection of one optimal solution is a time consuming process, a more appropriate method for determining the preferred optimal solution is proposed. The proposed method is compared to other two methods for solving the particular problem and it is concluded that the proposed method is more appropriate. For the purpose of evaluating the obtained solutions, a method based on qualitative analysis is proposed. The proposed multi-objective optimization method shows the advantages over existing methods regarding selection of the objective functions, defined constraints and real-time execution, which is extremely important because of the dynamics of the entire PT. 94 Further research will involve verification of the model using data from a real network scenario. It is also plan to take into consideration boarding and alighting times, transfer stations and scheduling several lines. Furthermore, it is plan to improve the existing multi-criteria optimization algorithm in favor of the stability of the algorithm by adjusting parameters of the proposed algorithm. Based on the presented results, a multi-objective model solved by the proposed algorithm for determining an optimal timetable and vehicle schedule, with the proposed method for determining the preferred optimal solution from the set of optimal solutions, confirms the advantage over existing models in the scientific literature and it is appropriate for scientists and experts in the field of public transportation


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    In times of crises, some cultural institutions in Croatia have experienced difficulties attracting an audience, which drove them to try out creative and unconventional forms of promotion. Promotion is one of the most popular, widespread and influential parts of marketing. Promotion is also of major importance for a cultural institution because of its ability to attract a large number of visitors. Setting out from this starting point, this paper focused on conventional and unconventional forms of promotion in museums as a part of the creative industries. Creative industries are gaining importance nowadays, and museums as a part of the visual arts sector of the creative industries are gaining popularity thanks to the promotion efforts. With this in mind, a survey was carried out among the visitors of the Museum of Fine Arts in Osijek during Julije Knifer's retrospective exhibition “Uncompromising” in March and April 2015. Participants were given a questionnaire consisting of closed-ended questions about conventional and unconventional forms of promotion and their impact on visitors. The authors participated in the organization of promotional activities for the exhibition and employed certain conventional and unconventional forms of promotion to get an idea of their impact on museum attendance (or lack thereof). The results demonstrated that the promotional activities had a positive impact on museum attendance, and unconventional forms of promotion had a greater impact than the conventional ones

    Detection of Household Furniture Storage Space in Depth Images

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    Autonomous service robots assisting in homes and institutions should be able to store and retrieve items in household furniture. This paper presents a neural network-based computer vision method for detection of storage space within storage furniture. The method consists of automatic storage volume detection and annotation within 3D models of furniture, and automatic generation of a large number of depth images of storage furniture with assigned bounding boxes representing the storage space above the furniture shelves. These scenes are used for the training of a neural network. The proposed method enables storage space detection in depth images acquired by a real 3D camera. Depth images with annotations of storage space bounding boxes are also a contribution of this paper and are available for further research. The proposed approach represents a novel research topic, and the results show that it is possible to facilitate a network originally developed for object detection to detect empty or cluttered storage volumes

    Optimization of Public Transport Services to Minimize Passengers’ Waiting Times and Maximize Vehicles’ Occupancy Ratios

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    Determining the best timetable for vehicles in a public transportation (PT) network is a complex problem, especially because it is just necessary to consider the requirements and satisfaction of passengers as the requirements of transportation companies. In this paper, a model of the PT timetabling problem which takes into consideration the passenger waiting time (PWT) at a station and the vehicle occupancy ratio (VOR) is proposed. The solution aims to minimize PWT and maximize VOR. Due to the large search space of the problem, we use a multiobjective particle swarm optimization (MOPSO) algorithm to arrive at the solution of the problem. The results of the proposed method are compared with similar results from the existing literature